- Connect youth to land, tradition, self and others.
- Are intended to empower, strengthen, and inspire generations of strong-healthy snksqwelixw (people). Each generation produces another stronger generation.
“…There are currently nearly 4,000 children in the state’s foster care system. Forty percent of these children are Native American, while the Native population in this state is less than 8%.” (Meyers, 2020)

Seasonal Programming
Target age range: 0-18 yrs (Dependent on program)
FOCUS: Connection to place, Awareness of self, Identity formation, Awareness of others,
Traditional Values, Traditional Knowledge,
Experiential Learning through group and individual mistakes and successes
SUMMER (sʔánɫq)
Horse Camp
Mountain Backpacking
Language Camp
Gathering (Berries)
Link foster families to cultural summer activities and programs.
FALL (sč̓ʔeý)
Gathering (Berries, Roots)
WINTER (sʔístč)
Coyote Stories
Traditional Crafts
Ceremony (Jump Dances)
SPRING (sqépc)
Gathering (Bitter root, Camas, Onions, etc…)
Medicine Tree

Land as Place
We help children to know the land again.
We recognize nature as teacher. Our seasonal camps with traditional activities and themes offer a place where youth create their own stories and legends, where respect for one another is common, where the connection with all living things is sacred.
Our experiential learning model expresses the core values of our Salish Medicine Wheel.